Rivers Primary Academy praised in Ofsted report Learn More

Rivers Primary Academy, Livingstone Road, Blakenall, Walsall, WS3 1LY
Part of Windsor Academy Trust
IMG 0382



At Rivers Primary Academy, we encourage our pupils to become independent, creative and
fluent mathematicians. Our aim is to foster a love of maths within our pupils and to equip
them with the tools and strategies necessary to use maths with confidence. Through the
curriculum, we empower our children to become logical problem solvers, give them strong
mathematical reasoning skills and the ability to think in abstract ways. We understand that
mathematics is integral to everyday life; with this in mind, we endeavour to develop a healthy
and enthusiastic attitude towards Mathematics that will stay with them throughout their
school and future lives.


At Rivers, we follow the Ark Mathematics Mastery curriculum. The Mathematics Mastery
curriculum is cumulative - each school year begins with a focus on the concepts and skills
that have the most connections, these concepts are then applied and connected throughout
the year to consolidate learning. This gives pupils the opportunity to ‘master maths’; by using
previous learning, they are able to develop mathematical fluency and conceptual

In order to ensure that pupils' knowledge of calculations is cumulative, we follow the Ark
Mathematics Mastery Progression in Calculations. This approach allows pupils to gain a
deeper understanding of calculation by using manipulatives and pictorial representations
before moving to formal written methods later on in their journey.

Daily maths meetings are held with the purpose is to consolidate key areas of mathematics
and develop fluency in recall of key knowledge. These meetings allow all children to revisit
key areas of maths frequently and aid children’s recall.

Digital technology is used to power up the curriculum where meaningful opportunities arise.
Years 4 and 5 use their iPads for Learning to consolidate and accelerate their learning with
regular practise on our trust-wide subscribed APPs such as TTRS, Numbot and IXL Maths.
At Rivers, our children are continually assessed by their teachers on the evidence of the
work produced in class. In addition to this, we carry out termly NTS assessments. These
allow us to monitor the progress of our children and identify any gaps in understanding as
they move through each year group. In Early Years, teachers make observations of our
children as they complete practical Maths activities. These observations evidence the
children's early Mathematical understanding.

From Year 1 upwards, all children take part in daily times tables challenges. By the
beginning of Year 4, all children will be fluent in their times tables up to and including 12 x


“Maths lessons are challenging because there is always another challenge to tacke” Isaac


“Maths is important because you will use it when you leave school. Our lessons help us to

be prepared for life after school.”


“I like learning about shapes because you get to count the faces and vertices.”


“It’s fun when we do adding because you get to use counters and I am good at counting
